

The City of St. Paul has property north of town, on Twin Forks Lane, to dispose tree branches, leaves and grass clippings. City residents can dispose of these items for free. Non-city residents are charged $10 per load or $48 per year. The St. Paul Rotary Club also has space in this area to drop off white goods or old iron for recycling.

The City recycling area is open on Mondays and Thursdays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm, and on Saturdays from 1:00 to 5:00 pm from March through October (weather permitting).

In addition, the City has a recycling trailer south of the swimming pool (4th & Jay Street area). Recycling items accepted are tin cans, newspaper and magazines, plastics numbered 1 and 2, and aluminum cans. Please dispose of each within the marked bins. Please do not throw trash or unacceptable items in the recycling bin. What may be considered recyclable material in other communities may not be accepted by the recycling center where St. Paul takes the recycling material. If trash or unacceptable items are placed in the recycling bins, it jeopardizes the City’s ability to offer recycling in the community. 

For disposal of hazardous waste items, please contact Clean Community System in Grand Island, Nebraska at 308-385-5095.

Water & Wastewater

Image of the St. Paul, Nebraska water tower.


Image of a street in St. Paul, Nebraska.


Image of a house in St. Paul, Nebraska.