For St. Paul residents that want to make a difference in the community, there are multiple organizations that can be contacted for more information on how to become involved.
Organization | Contact | Phone Number |
Awana | Grace Baptist Church | 308-754-4770 |
American Legion | Chuck Schmid | 308-750-6149 |
American Legion Auxiliary | Char Schmid | 308-754-5363 |
Area Community Theatre | Judy Johnson | 308-750-6558 |
Athletics Boosters | Chris Elstermeier | 308-750-3427 |
Boy Scouts of America | Keith Brus | 308-750-8539 |
City Boards | Connie Jo Beck | 308-754-4483 |
Country Quilters | Marilyn Schmaljohn | 308-754-5534 |
4-H/Extension Club | Howard Co. Extension Office | 308-754-7875 |
Fireman/EMT Auxiliary | Gina Haggerty | 308-750-5567 |
Grover Cleveland Alexander Days Committee | Jordan Robinson | 308-754-5558 |
Girl Scouts of America | Clarissa Stepanek | 308-754-2023 |
Hospital Auxiliary | Theda Van Horn | 308-754-4541 |
Howard County Agricultural Society – Fair Board | Jack Reimers | 308-750-0465 |
Job’s Daughters | Charlotte Rasmussen | 308-863-2281 |
Knights of Columbus | Chuck Schmid | 308-750-6149 |
Music Boosters | Krista Sipes | 308-754-4433 |
PEO | Barbara Wroblewski | 308-754-4442 |
PTO | Autumn Wegner | 308-750-2093 |
Rotary Club | Lorraine Lawler | 308-754-8195 |
Royal Coachmen | Marcus Paczosa | 308-750-4533 |
Sons of the American Legion | Randy Kauk | 308-754-8487 |